Our mission
We draw from the genius of nature and respect nature in return.

aXiphen® can be used in several different areas. Our goal is to develop and customize best product and to provide consistand delivery.

aXimed was founded in Bergen in Norway and began looking for a Chinese supplier that could manufacture the Company’s health food preparations. aXimed came into contact with a company that obtained the substance capsaicin as a by-product when extracting dyes from chili peppers. Due to lack of availability and the varying quality of natural capsaicin, the Company realized that large-scale production – and therefore business opportunities – were impossible. aXimed thus initiated a research project to identify a synthetic variant of capsaicin that would be stable and quality-assured.

aXichem was spun off from aXimed, and listed on the Nordic Growth Market segment, Nordic MTF.

aXichem succeeded in scaling up production of a synthetic variant of capsaicin, known as aXiphen®, to industrial volumes with high quality. The Company took out a patent for aXiphen® and, due to its antifouling properties, decided to use the substance as an agent in paints for coating the hull of sea craft. The Company also discovered several potential uses for aXiphen®, including medical ointments, pepper spray, rodent protection for underground cables, forest products and flavor enhancers. To meet the requirements of the EU’s Biocidal Products Directive, the Company entered into partnership with a German consultancy firm specialized in the criteria defined in the Directive.

aXichem entered into a partnership with the University of Nevada in the US, and the first test plates were placed in Lake Mead outside Las Vegas under the leadership of a leading US expert in control strategies for invasive freshwater mussels. The Company also conducted a metabolic study comparing how aXiphen® was absorbed, transformed and broken down into biological organisms compared with the corresponding processes for natural capsaicin. The study involved a number of challenges and positive data was generated throughout the course of the project.

During the spring, the first data was obtained from our freshwater mussel experiment in Nevada in the US. Although definitive conclusions were not possible due to the early phase of the study, the data was positive. Data received from the metabolic studies performed in 2012 was so overwhelmingly positive that aXichem, in partnership with its German consultant, decided to commence the preparation of an application for EU approval to market aXiphen® as a marine antifouling ingredient. The application is being prepared by the consultancy and is expected to be ready for a completeness check during the first quarter of 2014.

It is clarified that natural capsaicin have inhibitory properties on Salmonella when used in chicken feed. aXichem starts an attempt with a Danish University of Agricultural Sciences to investigate whether phenylcapsaicin has the same effect. The experiment is completed, and the findings are so encouraging that aXichem decide to explore the feed industry as a potential market for phenylcapsaicin.
A follow-up attempt is planned to increase knowledge of phenylcapsaicins effect as Salmonella inhibiting ingredient in chicken feed. In order to obtain a European marketing authorisation as an ingredient in chicken feed, the fenylcapsaicin must be approved under the EU novel food rules. aXichem initiates cooperation with a Danish consultancy firm specializing in novel food applications.

Follow-up study on phenylcapsaicins properties to inhibit salmonella in chicken production is carried out at the Dutch Agricultural University in Wageningen. aXichem also works with focus to generate data for a novel food application.
aXichem is listed on NASDAQ First Nordic in Stockholm.
As part of the work to launch phenylcapsaicin as a salmonella inhibiting product, a partnership with the Danish distributor Chr. O Group begins.
The Wageningen study shows a clear effect of phenylcapsaicin as a salmonella inhibiting ingredient, and also shows that fenylcapsaicin can provide increased growth in production of chickens. The discovery is very convincing, and it is therefore decided to conduct testing of phenylcapsaicin in a commercial production facility. The company is working to identify partners that can implement this.

aXichem initiate strategic cooperation with three world leading manufacturers of coating to optimize phenylcapsaicin as a marine antifouling-ingredient. The company's partners conduct testing of phenylcapsaicin under «Real life» conditions.
Testing of phenylcapsaicin as an ingredient in chicken feed in a commercial production plant is carried out in collaboration with one of Asia's largest agricultural universities. The study shows remarkable increase in the growth of the chickens fed with phenylcapsaicin-reinforced feed, at the same time as the decrease of salmonella effect is once again demonstrated. aXichem is looking for patents for phenylcapsaicin as an ingredient in chicken feed.
aXichem completes and delivers a novel food application that regulates the sale of phenylcapsaicin as an ingredient in chicken feed.

aXichem signs sales and distribution agreement with Danish Chr. Olesen Group, under which Olesen shall market and sell aXiphen® as feed ingredient, primarily for poultry and piglet feed, in Europe and Latin America.
Lucas Altepost, who was engaged as Director of Sales and Marketing, takes on the position of Vice Managing Director of aXichem AB.
Together with commercial actors in the European poultry and piglet industry aXichem tests aXiphen® as anti-salmonella agent and growth promoter under real-time, commercial conditions in Belgium and The Netherlands. More than 70 000 chickens and 1000 piglets are fed aXiphen®-enriched feed. The tests show remarkable results as none of the animals showed any signs of salmonella at slaughter.
aXichem initializes the process of obtaining GRAS (Generally Regarded As Safe) status for aXiphen® in the USA.
Patents are granted for the use of aXiphen® as growth promoter in feed. aXichem also applies for patent protection for aXiphen® as bioenhancer of active ingredients in feed, dietary supplements and pharmaceuticals.

aXichem submits an application for European Novel Food approval for aXiphen®. The application is in accordance with the new EU regulation implemented in January 2018.
First commercial order for aXiphen® is placed by Chr. Olesen Group under the sales and distribution agreement signed in 2017. The order relates to poultry feed in Mexico.
The paper “A 90-day toxicity and genotoxicity study with high-purity phenylcapsaicin” is published in Toxicology Research and Application. The paper presents findings from the phenylcapsaicin safety studies, and concludes that the product is safe. The paper marks the final step of aXichem’s process of obtaining GRAS status for aXiphen® in the USA, and GRAS approval is granted shortly after.

We develop and customize best product to create added value for our customers.
aXichem is a group of dedicated people with one vision.
Born 1957. Board member since 2007 and CEO since 2016.
Other ongoing assignments: CEO of aXimed AB, aXimed AS and Driftkultur AS. Chairman of Guizhou aXimed Health Food Co., Ltd, Soya AS and aXichem AS. Board member of aXimed HK Ltd, Manakin Ltd, Tofu AS and Incendia Pharma AB.
Previous assignments in the last five years: None.
Holdings: 16 300 A shares, 3 613 404 A shares through Manakin Ltd and 61 175 through related parties.
Chief Technical Officer
Born 1975. CTO since 2019.
Education: Ph.D. Organic Chemistry and M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, Lund University.
Other ongoing assignments: No other ongoing assignments.
Previous assignments in the last five years: None.
Holdings: 151 764 A shares.
Vice President, Chief sales and marketing officer
Born 1967. Employed in aXichem since 2017.
Education: Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, University of Lausanne.
Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of the Board of Genetica AS. Board member of aXichem AS.
Previous assignments in the last five years: Board member of CPS-drive AS until 2017
Previous assignments in the last five years: None
Holdings: 50 001 A shares and 128 313 A shares through Norbiotech.
Chief Investor Relations Officer
Born 1962. Chief Investor Relations Officer since 2015.
Education: Executive MBA, Lund University.
Other ongoing assignments: Board member of Aqilion AB, board member of Incendia AB, managing director and board member of Savring Consulting AB.
Previous assignments in the last five years: Board member of Clinical Laserthermia Systems AB.
Holdings: 31 957 A shares through Savring Consulting AB.
Chairman of the Board
Born 1946. Board member and chairman since 2017.
Education: Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Lund University.
Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of the board in Interlite AB and Incendia Pharma AB. Owner of JGB Consulting.
Previous assignments in the last five years: Chairman of the Board of Eliq AB, Chairman of the Board of Sotenäs RehabCenter AB. Board member of Ikano Bostad Stockholm Holding AB
Holdings: 50 012 A shares.
Dependency: Independent in relation to the company and its management, independent in relation to the company's major owners.
Member of the Board
Born 1980. Board member since 2023.
Education: M. Sc. chemical engineering, Lund University of Technology, and a bachelor’s degree in business administration, Lund University School of Economics and Management.
Other ongoing assignments: CEO and board member of Life Science Partner Skåne AB, Board member of Carbiotix, and board member of Öresund Growth Partner.
Previous assignments in the last five years: None.
Holdings: 1 712 438 A shares and 111 696 via related parties.
Dependency: Independent in relation to the company and its management, independent in relation to the company's major owners.
Member of the Board
Born 1949. Board member since 2017.
Education: BSc in Biology, Bachelor of Commerce, University of Copenhagen.
Other ongoing assignments: Board deputy in Seawood AB.
Previous assignments in the last five years: Board member and COO of Bertram Pharma ApS until 2017.
Holdings: 80 225 A shares and 1 600 A shares through related parties.
Dependency: Independent in relation to the company and its management, independent in relation to the company's major owners
Member of the Board
Born 1957. Board member since 2007 and CEO since 2016.
Other ongoing assignments: CEO of aXimed AB, aXimed AS and Driftkultur AS. Chairman of Guizhou aXimed Health Food Co., Ltd, Soya AS and aXichem AS. Board member of aXimed HK Ltd, Manakin Ltd, Tofu AS and Incendia Pharma AB. Previous assignments in the last five years: None. Holdings: 16 300 A shares, 3 613 404 A shares through Manakin Ltd and 61 175 through related parties.Dependency: Dependency in relation to the company and its management, dependence in relation to the company's major owners.
Member of the Board
Born: 1968. Board member since 2022.
Education: Bachelor of Science, University of Wageningen.
Other assignments: No other assignments.
Holdings: No shares in aXichem
Dependency: Independent in relation to the company and its management, independent in relation to the company's major owners.
Member of the Board
Born: 1963. Board member since 2024.
Education: Diploma of marketing from Lund University, MBA from the University of Sheffield.
Other ongoing assignments: Chairman of the board in Clemondo Group AB (publ), Hammerglass AB, Här Malmö AB and board member of Gullberg & Jansson AB (publ). Previous assignments in the last five years: Board member of Roos & Tegnér AB
Holdings: 40 000 A shares through Sellwell Group.